No more dealing, focus on the game
For people not playing bridge, shuffling the cards does not seem like a big issue. But when tournaments are arranged there is a need of many deck of cards where each one is shuffled in the exact same order. This way all tables and team pairs have the same deal to play..
The unit act as a dealer and gets the order of the cards to play for next deal from the game server. After finished deal the deck of cards are put back into the unit and will automatically be scanned for the result. Due to this the players gets a fair game, and the organizer of the tournament don’t need a horde of people managing pre-sorted decks.
The project really stretched the envelope for the cooperation between the mechanics- and the electronics designers. But by using the right ECAD tools, designs from both worlds could seamlessly be transferred and even be worked on at the same time. A typical example where one cannot underestimate the value of the right tools.