How can we help you?

We are passionate about challenges. If you have one, let us know.
We would love to make an impact. To you and your users.
Let’s discuss how embedded technology could be used. Together.

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Our offices

Malmö (head office)

Zellaco AB
Medeon Science Park
Per Albin Hanssons väg 41
205 12 Malmö

Tel: +46 (0) 10-263 32 00


Zellaco AB
Södra vägen 22
412 54 Göteborg

Tel: +46 (0) 10-263 32 00

“We want to build technology that everybody loves using, and that affects everyone. We want to create beautiful, intuitive services and technologies that are so incredibly useful that people use them twice a day. Like they use a toothbrush.”

Larry Page, Co-founder Google