For Zellaco developing embedded products including complex electronics and software design very often benefit from an early evaluation of features or design alternatives. And we can easily provide that – we can directly from our design tools prepare production and manufacture samples in a prototype plant.
The early and continuous use of evolving prototypes in a development project will ensure the teams always have a target environment as close as possible to the final product. This will not only reduce the overall costs it will also enable a faster transition to volume products as all necessary documentations are updated continuously and tools and procedure for production test can be available at the same time as the development is finished. This saves time and costs!
Our experience from early development to production preparation helps our customers to secure high volume production and quality on final products.
We take into account design for manufacturing and logistics in the projects from the beginning. Our team can produce all documentation that is helpful in starting production at your factory/EMS or we can guide you to a manufacturer that can do it for you.